200hr Curriculum
Master your life by knowing yourself.
Our courses are an exploration and connection with our real self.
Yajurveda is an ancient Vedic Sanskrit text which gives a detailed description of the 5 dimensions of human existence or the dimensions of the Self. In every course you we dive into the 5 dimension (or sheaths) Koshas of human existence:
- Anamaya Kosha is the physical dimension
- Pranamaya Kosha is the vital energy, breath, or life force dimension
- Manomaya Kosha is the mental (mind, emotions, inner world) dimension
- Vijnanamaya Kosha is the awareness or wisdom dimension
- Anandamaya Kosha is the bliss dimension
Daily you will gain AWARENESS
of your real SELF by exploring,
working and refining your KOSHAS
with the following yogic program
physical dimension
Daily asana practice, the first week Hatha and the second week Vinyasa Flow.
Asana analysis with detailed teaching and guided practice on all categories for correct physical and energetic alignment. Learn how to teach each asana.
The use of yoga props
Learn how to Observe of the students
In the afternoon you will participate in Partner-Acro, Yin, Ashtanga, Tantra, Nidra workshops so as to develop your authentic teaching style, collaborating on various techniques of any style you like!
Principles of sequencing. How to structure and sequence all levels yoga classes in a safe, effective and integrated way.
Instructions or cueing in yoga classes.
Supporting special-needs population: - chronic conditions
- older adults
- dealing with trauma
- cancer
- obesity
- pregnancy
Introduction to injury management
Business aspects of teaching yoga
teaching skills
Anatomy in yoga, how to build a safe practice without injuries:
Understanding Yoga Biomechanics to improve yoga practice
Functional and structural variations such as hyper mobility, flat feet, hyper lordosis etc
Exploration of the systems:
- respiratory
- nervous
- digestive
- circulatory
- endocrine systems
Learn the most important muscles . and bones in your body
- feet
- knees
- spine
- pelvic girdle
- shoulder girdle
The 5 elements
The 3 Doshas
7 Dhatus and Sotras
ojas and amas
Curing with the 6 tastes
Ayurvedic approch to asana
Living a healthy life according to Ayurveda
The yogic diet, Sattvic diet and mind
vital energy dimension
Learn, practice and experience all the prominent pranayama breath control techniques
mukta prana
abdominal breathing
yogic breathing
Ujjayi pranayama
Nadi Shodhana
syrya and chandra bheda
We will reveal a new world of energies inward and outward of our body
The 3 bodies: Gross, Astral and Causal body.
The 5 Koshas or the 5 sheaths of our existence
The 7 Chakras, the main energy centers
Nadis energy channels
Kundalini, the dormant potential force
Granthis, the psychic knots
5 Vayus, the sub-divisions of prana
subtle anatomy
Mudra is a gesture or seal. Each mudra sets up a different link and has a correspondingly different effect on the prana.
- Gyan Mudra
- Shuni Mudra
- Surya Mudra
- Buddhi Mudra
- Anjali Mudra
- Buddha Mudra
- Yoni Mudra
- Shakti, Shiva Mudra
- Khechari Mudra
Bhanda is an energetic seal to help clear the blockages that impede the open flow of prana (vital energy).
- Analytical practice of the 4 bhandas, benefits and contraindications.
Mulbandha Bhanda, Root lock
Uddyana Bandha, Diaphragm lock
Jalandhara Bandha, Neck lock
Mahabandha, Great lock
Kriya is an action which leads us to evolution, expansion and liberation.
It's a specific combination of
- breath
- mantra
- movements
- mudras (gestures)
to increase the prana, vital energy within us, change the energetic state and rejuvenate our whole being.
You will learn 18 Kriyas to enhance your yogic practice and make your classes distinguishable.
mental dimension
What is really yoga and the history of yoga
The 8 Limbs of Yoga, the five Kleshas, and other key texts of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Upanishads and the Vedas
Bhagavad Gita
Hatha yoga Pradipika
The concepts of dharma and karma
Yoga and Buddhism
What is Tantra
The nature of the self
The nature of the mind
awareness dimension
- What is Meditation?.
- Stages of Meditation
- Brain wave states
Meditation techniques:
breath awareness
body awareness
so ham
walking meditation
kaya sthairyam (body stillness)
Om meditation
jappa meditation
metta meditation (Buddhist meditation)
By learning, practising and experiencing the yogic technology and the yogic lifestyle, the meeting with your real Self will not take long, you will recognise it
as you will be full of Bliss and Joy!